10 Tips & Tricks for Cleaning Your Home This Summer Season

10 Tips & Tricks for Cleaning Your Home This Summer Season

As the weather heats up and the school year draws to a close, the summer season brings challenges in maintaining a clean and healthy home. Use these simple tips to keep your home looking and smelling great all summer long.

  1. Clean out the gutters - Get ready for any summer storms by cleaning out your gutters and making sure all drainage spouts are pointing away from the foundation of the house. If your area is prone to severe storms or flooding, this is also a great time to check and restock your emergency kit.
  2. Clean off the driveway and patio - Winter and spring often leave driveways, sidewalks, and other outdoor surfaces covered in dirt and debris. Depending on the material the surface in question is made of, a pressure washer could be your best bet, or soapy water and a coarse bristled broom. For wooden patios and decks, always check for manufacturer’s recommendations. 
  3. Get your outdoor living space ready for guests - Summertime is when outdoor living spaces see the most use, and neighborhood get-togethers can be a community-building highlight over the summer months. Months have passed since last summer, and chances are it’s not just the ground that’s been collecting dust and dirt. Wipe down patio furniture and outdoor cushions, gently scrubbing with warm water with a small amount of dish soap or laundry detergent if necessary. 
  4. Cut down on the clutter - If you have school-aged children that are now going to be spending a lot more time at home, use the start of summer as an opportunity to clear out old clothes and toys – you’ll be glad when there’s less for you to trip over! Summer is prime yard sale time, so put the kids in charge of the whole event, or else donate gently used items to a local charity.
  5. Stop dirt at the door - The more you go in and out of the house to enjoy the beautiful summer weather, the more traffic (and dirt) your entryways will collect. Invest in a welcome mat outside where guests can wipe their feet, or even consider a small area rug over carpeted floors near the door. This will make vacuuming an easier task in either warm or rainy weather.
  6. Wash the windows – inside and out - With the curtains drawn to let in the sunlight, you don’t want to be staring through layers of dust and ugly streaks all summer. Using a squeegee with some mildly soapy water is the best method for cleaning window exteriors, while a spray-on glass cleaner and a clean, damp rag should do the trick for the insides. And don’t forget the screens! Remove them and scrub thoroughly with a soapy sponge until clean and bright. 
  7. Breathe easier with a clean ventilation system - All the dust, dirt, pollen, and animal dander that get tracked into your home will eventually find their way into your air ducts, where they accumulate over time, providing a perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and other microbes that are recirculated into the air you breathe. Dust and dirt will also begin to clog your AC system’s filters, making it harder to cool your house, racking up your energy bill. You can probably clean the filter yourself, but every 2-3 years, have a team of professionals from COIT come in to do a thorough cleaning of your air ducts. 
  8. Flip and clean the mattress - Twice a year (once in the winter, once in the summer), you should remove all bedding from your mattress and thoroughly vacuum its top surface. Then, flip it over and vacuum the new top. This, along with washing your linens regularly in hot water, reduces the risk of dust mites. 
  9. Stop the stink - When temperatures spike, so do the unpleasant smells that were previously unnoticed. Start the summer by thoroughly scrubbing your kitchen trash can with warm water and dish soap, and leaving it to sit in the sun. Always take the trash out regularly (especially if food scraps are present) and sprinkle some baking soda in the bottom of the can to help guard against odors. 
  10. Get ready for stains - From grass stains to popsicle drips and melting ice cream, summer foods can leave stains that threaten carpet and upholstery. Check out our previous blog for tips on getting fun summer foods off your furniture.