9 Reasons Why the Gift of a Clean Home is the Perfect Mother’s Day Surprise

It is always fun to come up with a new way to let your mother know you appreciate her on her special day. We know of a gift that we guarantee will bring a smile to her face – a clean home, without her lifting a finger! At COIT, we can help with the entire home and leave everything gleaming, spotless, and professionally deep-cleaned. We offer 9 good reasons why this would be the best Mother’s Day surprise you have ever discovered:

1. She deserves it!

Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs on the planet – but most rewarding. The duties of mothering go beyond being supportive, helpful, and providing what is needed to keep children healthy, active, and safe. It involves cleaning up spills, endless laundry, and the countless daily tasks of keeping a home clean – including cleaning crayon off walls in some cases! Even the most dedicated mom needs help, whether a stay-at-home mom or a working mom. Give her the break she deserves and have your home fully cleaned while you treat her to an outing she will enjoy.

2. An unexpected (and appreciated) gift!

Mother’s Day usually involves a get-together, a gift of flowers, or another standard gift. Why not get original and do something truly unexpected? Our team of technicians at COIT can perform a complete deep cleaning, including any of the following services:

  • Carpet cleaning 
  • Area rug cleaning
  • Air duct cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Wood floor cleaning
  • Stone cleaning
  • Drape and blind cleaning

Imagine the surprise when she comes home and sees everything completely spotless, shining, and looking perfect. We promise she’ll be blown away.

3. Time to rest.

Young mothers (and fathers) are often underslept. By the time the children awaken (usually earlier than you want after having a disturbed night of sleep), it is time to start the day and get involved in the countless tasks of keeping the family fed, dressed, and the home under control. Give her some extra time for a restful nap, with no worries. That’s a real gift – sleep!

4. End any worries about healthy indoor air.

Indoor air quality is a real health concern. It is impossible to avoid dust, dirt, mold, allergens, and other contaminants from entering the home and settling on furniture, carpets, drapes, and within your air duct system, where it is constantly circulated. These contaminants are dangerous for human health. Why not take Mother’s Day as a time to purify the home and create a healthier environment? You can help ward off illnesses such as respiratory problems, reduce asthma attacks, and leave the home smelling fresh. 

5. Quality time – it matters!

Rather than leaving her to spend her time cleaning the home, you give her the opportunity to engage in more enjoyable activities, including spending quality time with the children – or with you! The sense of relief and the freedom that comes with finding the home spotless, from top to bottom, is indescribable. Time to go to a movie, read a book, go to the park… the sky is the limit when home tasks are done. 

6. Who has time to clean the bathrooms?

With children in the home, it is normal to find towels and clothing on the floor, toys in the tub, and worse. Keeping the bathrooms basically in order is often all that can be accomplished in a typical day. How about a complete professional bathroom cleaning, from counters to tile and grout, leaving it looking like new and smelling fresh and clean. She’ll love it.

7. A REAL break.

Everyone needs some “alone time,” and mothers often dream of a time they could sit back, put their feet up, binge watch a series, read a book, call a friend, or just rest. They rarely get a real break from the duties of parenthood and home, and you can be the one to give them that badly needed time for a real break to recharge.

8. Pets – she loves them, but…

Pets are an important part of the family and loved by children and parents alike. They come with challenges, including urine stains, pet dander, and collections of pet hair on the furniture. Our cleaning technicians can handle pet stains on carpet, remove urine smells left from pet accidents, and restore wood floors. Beyond the floors, the furniture is where pet hair and dander collect, being released into the air every time anyone sits down. Purify your environment and leave it clean and safe – with the furniture and floors professionally cleaned. She’ll breathe a sigh of relief. 

9. Show her you understand.

She will be surprised – and pleased – to see that you understand the challenges of being a mother, along with caring for the home. Investing in a full deep cleaning for every area of your home shows that you understand the challenges of being a mother and all the cleaning and tidying that goes with it.

Why a COIT Deep Cleaning for Mother’s Day – or Any Day!

Professional cleaning services vary widely in how well they get the job done. With COIT’s over sixty years serving in the cleaning industry, we have it down to an art. Our systems, equipment, products, and procedures are superior and produce exceptional results. If you are ready to invest in a deep cleaning, we invite you to discover true professionalism – it won’t cost you any more than hiring a less-qualified service! We are very proud of our stellar reputation and our long-term customers who would never consider switching. Beyond our outstanding methods and results, we offer our customers a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee – in writing. Whether for Mother’s Day, or any other day, we are here to help you have a healthy, spotless home.