COIT Winter Cleaning Checklist

A phrase that is uttered all too frequently in our current times is never more true than during the fall months. That phrase is: “winter is coming.”

Winter is coming folks, meaning the weather will be colder and you will be more inclined to stay inside and entertain inside. Your home will be vulnerable to more messes and that is why it is important to maintain a steady cleaning schedule especially during the winter season.

In order to help you maintain a solid cleaning routine, we have created a very simple and easy winter cleaning checklist for you to follow, and this checklist will cover the basics, deep cleaning items and extra items.

Winter Home Cleaning Checklist

  • Dust All Surfaces, Edges, Corners
  • Vacuum Floors
  • Wash All Floors
  • Wipe Door Knobs
  • Wipe Light Switches
  • Wash Vents
  • Wipe Bathroom Counters
  • Clean Bathtub and Sinks
  • Clean Washer and Dryer
  • Wash Walls
  • Wash All Baseboards
  • Clean Appliances

Winter cleaning is essential to having a comfortable home and making sure you have the basics down will help you reach that goal. Checking off these items at the start of winter and rotate them again during the start of every other season will help develop cleaning habits for not just the winter but the other seasons as well. Doing this checklist seasonally will ensure that your home is in tip-top shape year round.

Deep Cleaning Your Carpets with COIT

It is highly recommended that homeowners get their carpets deep cleaned at least once a year. Deep cleaning your carpets is a tall order and requires a professional carpet cleaner to get the job done right. Only certified carpet cleaners are capable of handling the heavy cleaning equipment that is required for deep cleaning carpets.

COIT offers COITGuard a stain protector for your carpets, area rugs, and upholstered furniture so they can only look their best and free of stains. This is offered after every deep cleaning and is essential for carpet maintenance. Vacuuming your carpet twice a week is also recommended for carpet maintenance.

Winter Deep Cleaning Checklist

  • Deep Cleaning Carpets
  • Wipe Ceiling Fans
  • Clean Under Appliances
  • Vacuum Lampshades
  • Dust Door Tops
  • Wash Doors
  • Wash Cupboards

Extra Winter Items To Consider

  • Clean the Chimney
  • Tune the Snowmobile
  • Furnace Inspection and Tune-Up

Following these items will allow your home to be in the best shape for the winter and the extra items will allow your home to be used for every situation. A clean chimney for the cold winter nights, a snowmobile for the snowstorms, and a tuned up furnace to help you through the entire winter without any delays. This checklist covers your home to the last detail and will help maintain a lifetime of cleaning habits that will prove beneficial for your well-being.