Four Basic Cleaning Products (and COIT) Are All You Need

Dusting Sprays.  Glass cleaner.  Toilet bubbles.  Spray-on shower cleaner.  Oven cleaner.  Floor polish.  Just thinking about all the cleaners available to the American homeowner today can make your head spin.  With so many types of cleaning products available, is there an easy way to decide which ones you really need?

According to an article from Houseworks at HGTV, just four basic home cleaners can handle all of your basic cleaning needs.  If you expect to see things like pre-moistened mop sheets on the list, you might be surprised by which products HGTV recommends.

Window Cleaner – Although you might think this product only cleans windows, Window Cleaner is actually an effective cleaner for a variety of surfaces.  Designed to remove dirt and then evaporate without leaving a cleaner residue, window cleaner can clean anything from glass coffee tables and bathroom fixtures to kitchen counters and appliance exteriors.

Tile and Bathroom Cleaner – This general cleaner is an all-purpose answer to most bathroom cleaning tasks.  It removes the film left behind by body oils and soaps, eliminates mineral deposits that build up on bathroom fixtures, and attacks mold and mildew.  Allow the product to work for the time recommended on the label before you wipe or rinse it from the surface.  And once or twice a year, don’t forget to meet your toughest tile and grout issues head on with a professional cleaning from COIT.  Our Tile Cleaning and Grout Cleaning process will keep your tiled surfaces and grout lines clean and fresh.  We’ll go boldly where even tile and bathroom cleaner can’t go.

Degreaser – Removing grease is a task few people enjoy.  A basic degreaser (often referred to as an “all purpose cleaner”) can dissolve grease stains on appliances, countertops, and virtually any surface, so the stains can more easily be removed.  These cleaners tend to leave a slight film, however, so HGTV recommends following up with a dry cloth to polish degreased surfaces.

An Abrasive Cleaner – Have you ever scrubbed a surface or pot that has caked in dirt that just won’t go away?  Abrasive cleaners are likely the answer.  These chemical-based cleaners provide an extra boost to that hearty scrubbing; they loosen and remove dirt to make the job easier.  These cleaners contain small particles (abrasives) that can scratch some specialty finishes, however.  “Soft scrub” abrasive cleaners contain smaller particles and are recommended in such cases.  One more note: abrasive cleaners can be difficult to rinse, so they’re most effective for cleaning such surfaces as sinks, toilets, and bathtubs (if you don’t have a specialty surface).

The four above cleaners will handle almost any basic home cleaning job, but if you’re concerned about the environment, check out our blog post on non-toxic cleaners that can do the job without the use of heavy chemicals.  And call in the professionals for bigger cleaning issues or for seasonal jobs, such as thorough Carpet and Upholstery Cleanings, Drapery and Blind Cleanings and the cleaning of specialty surfaces such as Natural Stone.  Simplify your cleaning regimen – and save money – by using a few effective, well-rounded cleaners and calling 1-800-FOR-COIT (or using our online Contact Page) for the bigger jobs.