Surprise Her with A Valentine's Day Gesture She'll Never Forget: A Clean House with The Kids at Grandma's

It takes plenty of daily housework to keep your home looking fresh, clean, and tidy. While a spotless home takes time to maintain, no matter how carefully it is cleaned, eventually dust and dirt begin to settle on blinds, drapes, carpets, and hidden in the hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. Can you imagine how much your partner would appreciate returning from Valentine’s Day dinner to a spotless home, professionally deep-cleaned – with the kids safe and sound spending the night with Grandma? Smiles all around.

At COIT, we think planning a memorable Valentine’s Day by scheduling a professional house cleaning can be a wonderful gift. While a box of chocolates and flowers along with a dinner date is a cherished tradition, a home that has been deep-cleaned by the professionals at COIT can be a practical – and thoroughly appreciated – surprise gift. 

It is all About Showing Love and Respect

Scheduling a professional house cleaning is a real-world way to show you appreciate the efforts your partner takes to manage the multitude of tasks involved in running a family. Even the most dedicated person deals with cleaning tasks that are difficult to get done right – and that’s when COIT gets into action. We go above and beyond in what we do, and take care of those more difficult tasks, including:

  • Drape cleaning: Our process involves taking down and rehanging your drapes, and we promise that every seam and pleat will look exactly as it should. Whether you have custom window treatments, sheers, festoons, or valences, we do it all, and do it right.
  • Blind cleaning: Your blinds are a magnet for dust and dirt. Our process removes all dirt, dust, allergens, dander, and other particles, leaving the room fresh, clean, and wholesome. 
  • Carpet cleaning: When it is time to revitalize your carpets or area rugs, there is no better what to get it done right than our custom truck-mounted extraction system. Goodbye spots, dirt, and dust. We can professionally clean Persian rugs or other valuable pieces, and we use the right products to preserve and protect specialized dyes and fibers.
  • Stone cleaning: Our lab-developed and extensively field-tested process can restore any stone features in your home, removing scratches, etching, or wear, bringing back the natural beauty.
  • Wood floor cleaning and revitalization: Your wood floors enhance your home, but over time become dulled, scratched, and stained. Our wood floor cleaning process involves using state-of-the-art equipment and a five-step cleaning process, with the final touch in a gloss or satin finish. No area is left untouched, with the difficult corners fully cleaned by hand. 
  • Granite and tile cleaning: From granite counters to tile floors, we have the technology to restore fresh, fully-clean, sparkling counters, floors, and other tile or granite features.
  • Grout cleaning: Rather than spending hours scrubbing away at stained grout or trying to restore the gleam of granite counters, let our team of professionals get the job done for you, and remove all dirt, mildew, and contaminants.

When Life Gets in the Way 

It can be hard to arrange your life to spend enough quality time with your partner. Work, children, and all the duties of caring for home and family consumes the hours, leaving both of you feeling weary at the end of the day. It takes dedication to create time for each other. We think adding a professional deep cleaning for your home is the perfect way to buy time to spend together, free from everyday worries. At COIT, we can help you plan the perfect Valentine’s Day surprise by scheduling a professional deep cleaning during work hours. When your partner returns home, everything is completely shining, fresh, and spotless. All she needs to do is get ready for a special dinner out – or enjoy the romantic dinner you have planned in the comfort of a perfectly spotless home.

Next Step: A Memorable Dinner

Romance is easy in the early stages of a relationship, but as children arrive and life gets busy, it can get much more difficult to make it happen. The secret is to create romantic opportunities however and whenever you can. Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to show your partner just how much you care -- set aside time to share and celebrate your relationship.  

COIT: A Cleaner Clean.

While most of us keep our homes orderly and free from surface dirt and dust, eventually it will be time for a meticulous deep cleaning – and at COIT, that’s exactly what our technicians are trained to do. Imagine the pleasure you can bring your loved one by arranging a time to have your home completely and thoroughly cleaned, top to bottom. 

A Night Out: Tips for Success

When planning your Valentine’s Day dinner, remember to make your reservation early – it is one of the busiest nights of the year in the restaurant business. To choose something special, you have the option to select a favorite, or try someplace new. For a new experience, it is helpful to read online reviews, but it isn’t a sure thing. Some of the most important things to look for in a better experience include: 

  • Easy parking: You don’t need the experience of circling to park, so check out the scene before you decide on a restaurant.
  • Environment/ambience: Look at the restaurant website to get an idea of the décor, and that it matches what your partner would appreciate.
  • Noise level: While a bistro setting can be fun for a night out with friends, for Valentine’s Day, you want to be able to have a conversation without strain. Find out if the restaurant tends to be noisy or plays loud music before you make a reservation.
  • Chef: If your partner enjoys modern takes on food, find a restaurant where a new chef is making waves, or dine at a restaurant with one of your city’s most revered chefs.
  • Service: Bad service can ruin the night, so make sure you choose a restaurant known for excellent service. Always treat your servers with kindness and respect – they’ll return the favor.
  • Table placement: Ensure that when making your reservation you ask for a table a distance from the kitchen, the center of the room, or in the path to the restrooms. 
  • Hygiene: Do a recon and visit the restaurant for a drink. Check out the washrooms – if they are spotless, you have a good idea that the venue cares about sanitation.

Chocolates, Diamonds, and Gifts: Get Original.

Valentine’s Day traditionally involves gifts of jewelry, chocolates or other gifts. To make the day even more special, choose something truly original. A tiny box of artisan chocolates, a special piece of jewelry to add to a collection, or a gift of something your partner has longed for shows that you have been listening, and you care. You can make your Valentine’s Day experience truly special by focusing on the details, rather than a last-minute rush decision.

Don’t Forget the Flowers!

It is never a complete Valentine’s Day without flowers. Go classic with the red roses, or be more original. Some nice options include fresh-cut tulips, a mix of tiny roses in pinks and whites, or a custom bouquet of her favorite blooms. 

A Kid-Free Night 

While our children are the most important people in our lives, every parent needs a break. Make arrangements for the kids to spend the night with grandparents for some kid-free time. You’ll appreciate them even more after a short break. The peace of a kid-free home for one night – especially a home that has been extensively deep cleaned by COIT – can make the night even more special and memorable.

A Clean Home, and a Perfect Night

At COIT, we can help you plan a Valentine’s Day to remember. We invite you to reach out to us and arrange to have your home professionally cleaned as a special gesture of love and respect for your partner. Everyone in the family will enjoy the fresh, clean air and a home environment that looks and feels like new.  

A Lasting Gift

This is a gift that lasts and lasts, as every area of your home is now deep-cleaned, from countertops, to tile, stone, grout, and carpets. Whether you want to plan a professional cleaning as a special surprise, or the time has come to restore the look of your home, our highly-trained technicians are here to help you get the job done right. 

Concerned about clean air? We perform home air duct cleaning done right, with our high-suction system extracting all dust, dander, dead insects, and other pathogens and contaminants that have been circulating throughout the home. Not only will your air be fresh, healthy, and clean, extracting the contaminants from your ducts goes a long way in helping reduce the amount of dust and dirt in the air you breathe -- and that will eventually settle within your home.