10 Tips to Clean and Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter means cold weathers and cold weathers are accompanied by snow, rain, and hard winds. If you live in the Midwest you have a lot to do before your home is ready for the climates that are to come, these maintenance items are required to keeping your home intact. If you live in homes where the climates are less drastic, these maintenance tips are still important to do.

1. Clean the Gutters

Cleaning the gutters will prevent the water in your pipes from freezing which causes icicles and ice dams.

2. Flush the Water Heater

Particles and sediment buildup in the water heater over time. Having hot water is important in the winter, and you do not want to have a broken or inefficient water heater when you need it most. Flush the water heater before the winter through the drain valve and you will help put your water heater in good shape for the winter.

3. Replace the Filters in your HVAC system

It is generally recommended that you change the air filter in your home system somewhere between 1-3 months. The frequency will depend largely on geographical location, time of year, and how often you make use of your home’s air conditioning or furnace systems. HVAC filter replacement should be a simple D.I.Y item.

4. Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat helps keep your home at a consistent temperature with little to no fluctuations. This helps reduce the energy output from your home. Studies have shown that using a programmable thermostat reduces a home’s energy bill by 1% every month. Anticipate heavy usage from your home’s heating system and reduce the cost of energy for your home.

5. Invest in Draft Guards

Draft guards help prevent heat from escaping from the cracks or holes under the door making your home more efficient for heat retention.

6. Insulate the Windows with Film

Using window insulation film on your windows will keep 70% of your heat from leaking out of your windows. 

7. Seal Leaks

Check your roof for loose shingles or gaps around the chimney, flues, and other openings. Be aware of areas around the windows, doors, and foundation. After identifying where the water might reside or where ice could form, address these problems. Caulk cracks or install weather stripping where appropriate.

8. Call a Plumber – Avoid Burst Pipes

If you live in colder climates, make sure that your plumbing is not vulnerable to freezing. Once your pipes freeze, they will eventually thaw and that may result in your pipes bursting. Pipes bursting can cause disasters that can result in water damage or mold. To winterize the plumbing, shut off the water supply to the outdoor spigots, swamp coolers, and sprinkler systems before draining them. Call a plumber to finalize all other 

9.  Change the Direction of the Ceiling Fans 

If you have any ceiling fans inside your home, know the rules: Counter-clockwise rotation produces cool air while clockwise rotation causes warmer air.

10. For Winter Cleaning Tips Never Go Without a Checklist

COIT Carpet Cleaning and Restoration know a lot about cleaning and over time we have created a large wealth of information on how to effectively clean your home. What we know, is that cleaning is a task that needs to be tackled with precision and the steps to do it right needs to be well thought out. COIT has created a nifty winter cleaning checklist to have the plan ready for you before you begin.